Zihua (James) LIU

I am an Assistant Professor in Finance at the Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU). I obtained my PhD from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). My research interest center on the impacts of AI on financial markets, financial analysts, and corporate disclosure. I intends to leverage my background in big data analytics (e.g. textual analysis, machine learning) to investigate the production, transmission, and economic impact of financial market information.
Welcome interested student join my Finance AI Research Group. My research group primarily explores how to creatively solve business and investment analysis challenge using AI capabilities.
Add: BSG22C(SIP Campus-IBSS Building), No. 111, Renai Rd., Suzhou City,P.R.China,215123
Email: Zihua.Liu@xjtlu.edu.cn
TEL: +86 (0)512-89173938